Friday, September 9, 2016


A Grand Friday Finale to Our First Few Days

Today, we discovered a monarch caterpillar hiding under a leave on a milkweed leaf in the kitchen garden. No weeding for us during nesting season.  We discussed the extinction of the monarch due to the use of pesticides to kill off milkweed.  We feel fortunate to have a bed of milkweed at TCS for the benefit of the monarch.

Intermediate Team Time this Friday afternoon consisted of cooperative games. Fourth and fifth graders interacted with one another in such activities as "Who Am I?" (name of famous person taped onto students' backs as they ask questions to discover who they are) AND "The Lap Sit" where students form a circle and need to trust each other to catch them as they attempt to sit on each other's lap. A few successes where spotted as all came tumbling down!

Place Value: Mr. Howe hard at work teaching expanded form of numbers! 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Changing Our World

   Thursday, September 8, 2016

"Changing Our World One Step at a Time"

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, its the only thing that ever has."  -Margaret Mead

Today was marked as the day to change our world by getting ORGANIZED! Fifth graders brought all of their school supplies into the classroom for the great divide- what goes into the binder, the pencil case and stays in the locker. Of course, some wanted to do a little decorating in the mix. We now have a filing system in place for all those loose papers!!! Our lockers are a holding place for books, extra school supplies, and even binders on many nights.  To stay on track with this important skill, I provided each student with a plastic box to put in their locker that houses all extra-supplies!

We also learned the set-up system for our note-taking in math class! Take a look at the comp books that come home tonight with a homework assignment included inside! Fifth grade has taken great pride in accurately copying down notes and showing off their Singapore Math knowledge! Yay!

Finally to Annabella's great delight, schedules were handed out, and planners are now in full use.

Oh, curiosity got the best of me. . . I did popped into global language classes where students were learning to introduce themselves to each other using French or Spanish. Cutsies, handshakes and bows included! They were having so much fun.

Here's to a small group that is capable of changing the world, who will leave his/her footprint behind in time (year's theme).  Day TWO in "the best little school in the universe."

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

It's Official 

Happy faces make classrooms happy places!  The fifth grade had a remarkable first day of school. All showed amazing self-control as they were put through a variety of routines! Success comes with knowing the expectations!  Such a great class who loves TCS as many students stated in their survey! I greatly look forward to spending the year with this group! Cheers to our first day back!