Friday, May 5, 2017

All Eyes on Egypt: Class 2020
May MET tour 2017 and Visit with Dr. Kent Weeks

On a glorious May 4th day, the fifth and sixth grades departed TCS for their annual NYC trip to visit Cleopatra's Needle in Central Park and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  The 5th grade spent most of their time in the Egyptian exhibit while the 6th headed to the Greek/Roman and Arms/Armour exhibits. Enjoy some snapshots from our day and student comments from our debrief back in the classroom today.

"I imagined the ancient Egyptians looking up at Cleopatra's Needle with pride."
"I was so excited to see Hamilton's statue since I love the musical."
"The alabaster vases and the variety of rocks. The canopic jars looked the same, but I found a few that were different."
"...been to the MET before but background knowledge made it a richer experience."
". . . city life was fascinating to observe- different people, music on street, etc."
"NYC hot dogs are the BEST!!!"
"Loved the freedom to roam room to room in the exhibit."
"Born in New York city, but Cleo's Needle is one spot never experienced. This was a once in a lifetime experience, especially with all of my friends."
"Grateful to travel to the MET with my class at my age. Amazing detail and craftsmanship that went into the creation of red and black figure ware in Greek exhibit."
"Fun hanging on the steps of the MET with all my classmates on a beautiful day."

A few TCS students and parents visit Essex Meadows on Sunday, April 30, to hear Dr. Kent Weeks speak about his recent work in and vision for The Valley of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt.

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