Sunday, February 26, 2017

"February is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire. . ."

The fifth grade luncheon has become an annual event over the past ten years and is hosted by the class parents after the students complete a series of mini-lessons on dining etiquette as well as other social savvy touchpoints. This year's Italian-themed luncheon was a hit! Poised and ready to show-off their dining and social savvy, the fifth graders and their guests were greeted by maitre d',Mr. Dean Singewald and a top-notch waitstaff! Check out the tux and several parent servers.

An Italian menu was featured offering such delectables as minestone soup and chicken parmesan, all topped off by Neopolitan ice-cream and assorted Italian cookies. The Italian venue of a draped ceiling of tuille, grapes and vines; Chianti candle centerpieces; and red-checked table cloths made for festive dining and conversation! Fifth graders especially enjoyed the sparkling wine and conversation starters, so much so, that one student asked if the class could dine until 2 P.M. and another thought it would be a great idea to dine like this every week!! "Grazie" from the fifth grade to all of our parent volunteers!

The first significant snowstorm of the season called for a class photo with all decked out in their "snow gear." With rulers and shovels in hand, several students put their architectural talents to test by sculpting a replica of the Great Pyramid of Giza out of snow. Unfortunately, our building site melted before the gang had time to finish the project!

This year Valentine greetings and goodies were delivered by fifth graders to decorated "envelope mailboxes," created by the students and then hung in their lockers. The fifth grade version of "mailboxes" brought memories back to the day of shoeboxes decorated with crepe paper and attached to desks. Students gathered on the reading rug to read cards and savor a treat or two.
It was a heartfelt day for all!

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Dr. Chappel held our final mindfulness session on February 17th. The focus of this meeting was to review what we had learned during the 6-sessions with her and how the fourth and fifth grade might serve as ambassadors in teaching some mindfulness strategies/practices to their Lower School schoolmates. We feel very fortunate to have spent this peaceful time and practice with Dr. Chappel. 


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

"Winter came down to our home one night
Quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed slippers of snow,
And we, we were children once again."
-  Bill Morgan, Jr.

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As snowflakes dusted the field outside our window, fifth graders could not resist the opportunity to play in the fresh flakes. We quickly became a group of 18 angels as we lay down to swish our arms and legs across the freshly fallen snow, making imprints of our first snow angels of the season as a class. I look forward to building snow pyramids and even possibly a sphinx with our next snowfall. Let it snow!

Memorable moments for all of us.

Ms. Lightfoot departed for New Orleans this morning, Feb. 1, with an enormous bag of art supplies in tow, representing the final shipment of the 4/5 donations that were collected a while ago. We are hoping to FaceTime with Isabel's (Ms. Lightfoot's daughter) class of fifth graders so we can meet the young artists who are enjoying the art supplies donated by us.  It is so rewarding to make someone else h

In preparation for Game Night, Ms. Leah Booth joins the fifth grade to teach them how to play five card draw (no $ bets made). Surprisingly, many students were already savvy players and luck was in the cards for several fifth graders, as they proudly called flushes, full houses and straights. Some players kept their cards very close to their chests and took great pride their winnings.
The cards are dealt with flying fingers.

A straight is called!!