The Process: Coffins Fit For A Pharaoh
After drafting the template for their coffin lids, fifth graders began to draw faces, hands, symbols and images revealing the story of the pharaoh or queen they chose to research. Ms. Smelser taught the class the methods to use for drawing faces and hands. Next step this week is to further Egyptianize these lids with authentic colors. Stay tuned!
The Unbelievable Fib
The fifth grade began their week as part of the audience who welcomed former teacher and visiting author, Adam Shaughnessy, to TCS. This author event was sponsored by RJ Julia and TCS. Mr. Shaughnessy spoke about such topics as the writing process, the inspiration behind his new novel, The Entirely True Story of the Unbelievable Fib, and even chose a TCS student to dress up as one of the main characters in his novel! He closed his presentation by reading a passage from his novel, which further stirred our audience of readers! If interested, his novel can be purchased through TCS, using the order form sent home with your child today. Copies of his novel will also be on sale for the remainder of the year in The Roost. Mystery and fantasy can be found behind the cover of this intriguing novel.