Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Hollow Hiking Highlights

Hiking the Hollow
Last Friday, the 4th and 5th graders headed to Chatfield Hollow in Killingworth to hone their hiking skills. Under the guidance of the Bushy Hill staff, they made observations while silently walking through the marshland on the boardwalk, bounded over boulders seamlessly on the white trail, learned how to identify trees by their leaves and made connections to Donn Fedler's experience from the novel, Lost On A Mountain in Maine. All done of this was done while carrying backpacks for the entire day! Building stamina was one of our goals in preparation for the more challenging outdoor adventures to come. Tour our photos to enjoy some of the highlights of day in the woods.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fifth Grade "Firsts"

Last week was filled with introducing routines, holding our first Intermediate class meeting, visiting with our reading buddies and undertaking our first service learning project of the year- all done with energy and enthusiasm in a heat wave!

On Friday afternoon, we tackled the Kitchen garden with the fourth grade, service to our TCS community.  Many hands were weeding, hauling, digging, sweeping and best of all, observing what was growing in the garden besides crabgrass. Fourth and fifth graders shared how fun it was to "clean up" the garden and make improvements to our campus. Enjoy the photos from this project.